It's been a long winter with not a lot of biking, but a lot of working. It is hard to get out on the bike when you live in a camp and work 12 hours a day for 20 days at a time. However when I was on days off I did manage to get out for at least a ride around town and a few days at the gym. With this new schedual I am looking at racing at least once a month when there is a race on my days off.
This year is going to be my first year that I am going to "train" for a triathlon, not those boring road ones though I am going to be doing the Xterra Tri's in Alberta. I've started swimming a few days on my time off wich is going well I think I will be able to finish the swim come late summer. The running is coming along well right now, Since the snow is gone now I should be able to start getting out on the trails on both the bike and running. I can't wait to get out and learn some new trails in a new place. I have built up quite a list of places I want to check out on my days off.
Now for the exciting news MY NEW BIKE!!!! and some new gadgets.
It's a 2011 Rocky Mountain Element 70 RSL with a few small things swapped out to make it a little more what I want. Still to come is the 2 ring XT black crank, and switching to the stans ztr alpine rims.
I only had one ride on it so far on the road only for about a half hour so I don't have a great feel for how the bike is quite yet but the little bit of riding that I got on one last year and from this first ride I am going to like it quite a bit. I am a little nervous about this right now as well as it is the day before The P2A race and I have only had one ride on this bike so far. I just hope that I have everything all dialed in the way I usually do on my bikes.
Well look for an update after the P2A race on Sunday it looks like it will be a soggy one.